How to Price Items
The minimum price per item is 5 kroner. Items must be priced at increments of 5 kr (5, 10, 15, 20 kr, etc.).
Keep in mind that you can choose to sell any of your remaining items for 50% on Sunday. We highly encourage you to do so -- shoppers look for the 50% off items during the discount day.
Price your items to sell -- people come to the sale looking for bargains. Think about how much you would be willing to pay for the item and price accordingly. Far too many first-time sellers price their items way too high.
If you have questions about how to price certain items, you can ask in our Facebook group for sellers and volunteers.
Keep in mind that you can choose to sell any of your remaining items for 50% on Sunday. We highly encourage you to do so -- shoppers look for the 50% off items during the discount day.
Price your items to sell -- people come to the sale looking for bargains. Think about how much you would be willing to pay for the item and price accordingly. Far too many first-time sellers price their items way too high.
If you have questions about how to price certain items, you can ask in our Facebook group for sellers and volunteers.
Updated 27.12.2024